CSAfrica invites you to come celebrate the Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars new album release with a live show by the amazing artists themselves. Save the date and buy your tickets early for the show...
Wednesday, May 12th at 8pm at the Roxy Theatre on the Sunset Strip.Sierra Leone's Refugee All stars are six musicians who formed a band while in a refugee camp in the Republic of Guinea during Sierra Leone's civil war.
They created music to keep their hope strong and inspire the spirits of the thousands of other refugees suffering from having to flee from their villages and cities.
After a few years of touring the refugee camps, sharing their music, they returned to Sierra Leone after talks of peace had proved to be true. There they were able to fulfill their dream of recording an album.
Since then, they have performed all over the world spreading their message of peace and awareness for their country and the global community. They have performed with legendary artists such as Aerosmith and Angelique Kidjo.
They've known the horrors of war firsthand and have become ambassadors of peace. An unbelievable testament to the human spirit, the journey of Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars exemplifies the universal healing power of music.
http://www.refugeeallstars.org/about/about-the-band/FREE DOWNLOAD:
http://sierraleonesrefugeeallstars.bandcamp.com/track/free-download-living-stonefor TICKETS go to:
http://www.theroxyonsunset.comFestivities begin with the legendary booty shaking, feel the musics' soul in your bones, DJ Jeremy Sole of AfroFunke! Then we get down to the inspiring uplifting afro, reggae, rhythm and blues, funk, soul of the Refugee All Stars.
Coalition for a Sustainable Africa (CSAfrica) is a collaboration of non-profit organizations offering sustainable solutions for grass-roots initiatives to empower the people and communities of Africa.
http://www.csafrica.orgCSAfrica Member organizations:
• Artists for New South Africa
• Art AIDS Art
• Earth Rights Institute
• Empowerment Works
• GO Campaign
• Hands For Africa
• Help a Life
• Lost Boys of Sudan
• NextAid
• OneWorld Works
• Open Arts
• SWF International
• Save Africa’s Children
• The Niapele Project
• The Samburu Project
• Village Network Africa
• Voices for Umoja
See you there!