Thursday, November 05, 2009

Emerging Voices - On the Topic of Subconscious/Unconscious

More poetry written by a Kenyan artist for inclusion in The Microphone Sessions weekly artists development workshops. This one on the subject of Subconscious/Unconscious.

by Dancan BAM Ochieng of Kisumu, Kenya

She was still watching them dance
The dancing girls were from France
Their dance vigor and full of romance
And then she stopped to make a glance
She was optimistic he had slept by chance

He had once opened the door at night
His face was bright, his arms were light
He was already playing with his white kite
Without cognition of the danger at night

He headed straight to swing plus his kite
Tonight the wind was not hissing nor teasing
Neither was she n’ her sis thinking of any kissing
He was not sneezing or thought to be wheezing
He was on her mother’s warm hands freezing
Devoid of consciousness he had done this thing

She said that this was inherited from his very dad
He got involved in a crime case that was very bad
How could he have murdered him without a damn
His lawyer proved that he was asleep at that time
Oh my God, unconscious actions are really a damn

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